Sponsor the Podcast

(Last Updated: July 2023)

2. Sponsor The podcast

Nerdy stuff you might want to know about the podcast listenership. At the time of writing:

1. Episodes are published twice a month, on the 1st & 15th of every month.

2. New episodes get between ~1000 downloads & views in the first month (across audio podcast & Youtube). Some episodes reach thousands of people, though I'd rather provide the low bar numbers.

3. Talking about YouTube, you can see the exact real time numbers for yourself.

4. Price of sponsorship: €900 for 3 episode with a ~60s ad read after the introduction.

More details on the Media Kit

Note: I reserve the right to decide who I choose as a sponsor. Keep in mind, people listen to the show for its authenticity. That is an element I true to for sponsorships too, I want to work with companies & brands I think can provide genuine value to the audience.

If interested, get in touch through the contact form

How I make money & why I want to tell you

At the time of writing the only way I make money is through companies sponsoring the podcast. So to those companies, thank you!

It costs me around 500€ / month to make the podcast (from hosting this website & the podcast itself to platforms used to record + paying an editor to help edit the interviews) and that doesn't cover all the 1 time purchases & time invested. Preparation, research, hosting editing & promoting takes me about 30h / episode at the moment.

This doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of pricing for gear, transportation & other prices when I decide to record in person. More on why I want to do that here.

So basically, I don't make any money from this whatsoever (yet).

At the end of 2022 I wrote about both how much money I made and how much I spent on the podcast.

I do want to be transparent about what the value proposition is then. I hate not knowing how companies make money (something something if free, you the product...) so I'd like to at least try to provide some reasons for the podcast. I do think we should normalise asking what different companies business models are, especially when they provide free products, I think it helps everyone make better decisions.

1. I think the Earth Observation & Geospatial Industries aren't very good at telling their own story. I'd like to fix that.

2. I have many questions about how a lot of people got to where they are, and what they do. I figured if I have those questions, I'm sure others do to.

3. I believe we need better media, and longer form content that isn't trying to convince you one side is right or wrong. I want more conversations where the goal isn't to be right but to hear each other out. I believe long form conversations are one of the best ways to achieve this.

From there, I want to work with companies for a few reasons:

1. I do think marketing is important. Some people do great stuff, and yet few people know about it, if I can help spread the word around interesting projects that sounds like a good idea to me

2. I want to grow this podcast. Make it better, higher production quality, more interesting. Like everything, that takes money. Hiring someone to help is the next step.

I want to keep doing this podcast for a long period, so I want to make this sustainable. The best way to support is to support the show through Patreon donations.

If you have any questions, inquiries, of thoughts, feel free to reach out


  1. Support on Patreon

If you get any value out of the podcast please consider supporting the show on Patreon. This way the people getting value from the podcast are those funding it.

You'll also get access to behind the scenes on how we prepare, record, edit & produce the podcast.

There are 2 main ways you can support the show: